operation system function中文什么意思

发音:   用"operation system function"造句
  • operation:    n. 1.动作,行动,活动;业务,工 ...
  • system:    n. 1.体系,系统;分类法;组织; ...
  • function:    n. 1.功能,官能,机能,作用。 ...
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  1. Tmn operation system function block osf
  2. On the osf ( operation system function ) , the relation of the mo ( manage object ) is checked and the conversion of the data type among the c language , java and the sql ( structure query
    在操作服务端( osf模块)对管理对象( mo )对应的各种操作做了关联关系的验证,并且实现了服务端数据库和用户界面以及被管设备上数据的转换工作。
  3. It has operation system function that can control the whole real - time system and in order of importance and urgency of every task , it rationally assigns cpu and different resources holding time between them
  4. Element mediator function based on the standards of tmn , which lied between operations system functions and network element , responsible for building network linking with network element , and carrying information , data and command . it makes communication between operations system functions and network element become more exact , prompt , convenient
    根据tmn技术规范提出的网元中介子系统emf ( elementmediatorfunction )位于通信网络管理系统服务器与网络通信设备之间,并负责通信网络管理系统和被管理的通信网络设备间的各种通信和适配工作。


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  2. operation system 什么意思
  3. operation system (os) 什么意思
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  6. operation system function block osf 什么意思
  7. operation system hardware 什么意思
  8. operation system management 什么意思
  9. operation table 什么意思
  10. operation table for animal 什么意思



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